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Related EU and National Projects

CEB - Centre for Environmental Biotechnology

Capacity-building Project, focussing on new biotechnological applications of extremophilic microorganisms and their enzymes. Co-funded through ERDF-WEFO and Bangor University.
Reference Nr 810280
Project duration 01.11.2017-31.10.2022
Project Budget: GBP 7.8 M


SynbiCITE is one of seven IKCs set up to nucleate new industries, by closing the gap between scientific research and its commercial exploitation. IKCs are a key component of the UK's approach to the commercialisation of emerging technologies through creating early stage critical mass in an area of disruptive technology. SynbiCITE was set up in 2013 with a £28 million commitment over 5 years comprising of grants from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Innovate UK and its industrial and academic partners.


MetaCat (ERA-Net, through BBSRC)

The consortium focuses on promiscuous all-rounders”, i.e. “frequent hit” enzymes which possess relaxed reaction specificities, activity on large substrates, high stereoselectivity and robustness under process conditions. Within the MetaCat consortium, partners from academia, large enterprises and SMEs combine their knowledge and skills to develop and apply new methods for the identification of such enzymes and their subsequent implementation into chemical and biotechnological processes.


Kill Spill - Integrated Biotechnological Solutions for Combatting Maine Oil Spills, EU FP7

Aims to develop highly efficient, economically and environmentally viable biotechnological solutions for the clean-up of oil spills caused by maritime transport or offshore oil exploration and related processes. Our work will deliver novel (bio)technological tools for oil spills remediation.

Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) EU FP7

Develops innovative bioinformatic approaches and a legal framework to make large-scale data on marine viral, bacterial, archaeal and protists genomes and metagenomes accessible for marine ecosystems biology and to define new targets for biotechnological applications. Micro B3 builds upon a highly interdisciplinary consortium of 32 academic and industrial partners comprising world-leading experts in bioinformatics, computer science, biology, ecology, oceanography, bioprospecting and biotechnology, as well as legal aspects.

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Marine Metagenomics for New Biotechnological Applications (MAMBA) EU FP7

The project aiming at enzymes mining and using them for targeted production of fine chemicals, antioxidants and anti-cancer drugs.

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