INMARE in the Media
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INMARE Workshop on Metagenomics and Bioprospecting, Hamburg, 5.04.2017
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- Videos of presentations of Prof Peter Golyshin (Bangor University), Dr Manuel Ferrer (Institute of Biocatalysis (CSIC), Prof Karl-Erich Jaeger (University of Duesseldorf), Prof Garo Antranikian (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg) and Prof Rolf Daniel (Uni Goettingen)
Heat, salt, pressure, acidity - how 'extremophile' bacteria are yielding exotic enzymes
Horizon: The EU Research & Innovation Magazine
Bacteria that survive in the world’s harshest conditions produce enzymes that could be perfect for use in industrial processes, thanks to their ability to withstand high temperatures, high pressure and high salt environments.
Published 11/06/2015
INMARE presentato alla conferenza sull’Atlantico a Bruxelles
L’ambiente marino vanta una diversità biologica estremamente ricca e un’associata diversità chimica; tuttavia, gran parte di questo tesoro rimane ancora inesplorato. Un’area in particolare che è poco sfruttata è quella delle risorse microbiologiche sottomarine.
Published 08/06/2015
Dal mare un tesoro per l'industria biotech
Almanacco della Scienza
Gli ambienti marini rappresentano la più ricca fonte di nuovi geni, enzimi e prodotti naturali da utilizzare in processi industriali. In particolare, le specie microbiche che vivono in condizioni estreme sono una straordinaria risorsa naturale di enzimi più stabili ed efficienti che potrebbero migliorare le performance e la sostenibilità dei processi industriali rendendo disponibili per il futuro nuovi processi, applicazioni biotech e prodotti più economici ed ecologici. Lo sfruttamento dell’ancora sconosciuta biodiversità microbica, la cosiddetta 'microbial dark matter'.
Published 22/04/2015
Project to scour 'microbial dark-matter' for new biotechnology resources: HORIZON 2020-funded Project ‘INMARE’ begins
Bangor University
We frequently hear that global resources are being used up and that we need several ‘earths’ if we are to keep on consuming at the same rate. One area that remains ‘un-tapped’, however, is the range of microbiological resources in our oceans. These could be providing us with new resources from which to produce safer, cheaper and greener products.
Published 20/04/2015
H2020 funded INMARE project starts
Researchers to trawl ocean ‘biodiversity hot-spots’ for new biotechnology resources.
Published 15/04/2015
evocatal erschließt neue Enzyme aus marinen Mikroorganismen
Das Projekt INMARE, das durch das europäische Programm "Horizon 2020" mit mehr als 6 Millionen Euro gefördert wird, hat zum Ziel, neue Enzyme und Metabolite in zum Teil extremen ozeanischen Habitaten zu identifizieren.
Published 15/04/2015
Researchers to trawl ocean for new biotechnology resources
Manufacturing Chemist Pharma
A new international consortium of more than 20 partners from academia and industry from 12 countries, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme, will work on a four-year @6m project that will mine for and use newly discovered microbial enzymes and metabolites, in particular, for the targeted production of fine chemicals, anti-cancer drugs and environmental clean-up technologies.
Published 15/04/2015
Researchers to trawl sea for new biotechnology resources
Universitas Bergensis
Biodiversity hot spots in the ocean are an untapped resource for safer, cheaper and greener products. The research project InMare has received EU funding to explore this resource.
Published 14/04/2015